O melhor lado da baldurs gate 3

The above guide will walk you through how to deal with Auntie Ethel - whatever you do, don't take her first deal unless you want to lose an eye!

You can make a fight against a trio of ogres go your way by smashing the rickety pillars holding up the building they're hanging out in, turn into a gas to sneak your way through tiny cracks, or use magic to persuade animals to turn on their masters," Fraser says. 

Then, a few inevitable qualifiers: “Also, it's not what you think and this is not a teaser for an announcement. Just am genuinely excited about where this is going and wanted to share some of my excitement. It'll be quite some time before we talk about this.”

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Although we don’t know what this project could be, many fans hope that Sven and the team at Larian are working on

MS I’ve seen many Xbox-based leaks over the years, accidental reveals and announcements about their own games or third party ones, and here’s another one to add to the list.

"What was Shadowheart thinking the first time she saw you? And now you know when you're in their head."

• Vincke showed the inspiration system for the first time. Inspiration points will allow the player to reroll one of their dice - a very baldurs gate 3 valuable asset if the roll of the dice decides over life and death.

“It's our own universe we built, so we're definitely gonna get back there at some point,” Vincke said. “We will get back there at some point. We'll first finish [Baldur's Gate 3], and then take a break, because we will need to refresh ourselves creatively also.

This update addresses crashes that were occurring in certain instances, such as starting a conversation with Cazador and  joining with a second controller and activating split-screen in certain places.

OK, OK – you can dip your weapons, but only once you’ve actually learned how to do everything else in the combat menu first. Like I said before, this tool doesn’t apply to dipping your weapons into an acid vial or any other potion you have on hand.

Vincke, the big boss at Larian Studios, revealed on Jan. 8 that after four months of writing and rewriting, he has finally figured out act one of a new project.

If you're stumped on how to get out, our guide will help you find and meet Withers in the Dank Crypt!

This update addresses several bugs, visual issues and blockers, including Gale's romance scene playing in what looks like a black void. Consider the ambience restored!

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